Federal Minister for Defence Khawaja Asif. — AFP/File

Bringing ‘Afghan Migrants’ to Pak was a mistake, says Khawaja Asif

The recent violent incidents carried out by Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) involving the use of Afghan territory has been strongly condemned by the Minister of Defense, who expressed dismay over the erroneous decision to settle Afghan refugees in Pakistan.

During a conversation on the program “Center Stage” on Express News, Khawaja Asif stated, “The current situation has raised significant concerns about the facilities provided to Afghan refugees.” Pakistan has previously provided shelter and borne the consequences of hosting Afghan migrants.

He mentioned that we are well aware of the presence of safe havens for terrorists inside Afghanistan and their movements. The PTI government has made serious mistakes in the past, committed crimes against the state, and brought more than five hundred thousand Afghan migrants to Pakistan, while already having over three hundred thousand Afghan refugees present here.

The Defense Minister said, “What have we achieved in the past four years? Now we need to find a solution to the issues of Afghan refugees in Pakistan.” He emphasized that in the past, a terrorist involved in a suicide attack was sitting here disguised as a caretaker for a patient, and now Afghan citizens in Pakistan are getting involved in such unacceptable incidents.

He revealed that during a visit to Kabul with a delegation, he also expressed concerns about terrorist incidents to the Afghan Taliban and the government.

The Defense Minister stated, “The Afghan government presented us with some proposals, and their response to our concerns and reservations was not negative, but unfortunately, these incidents are not stopping in Pakistan. We need to urgently find a solution to this matter because it is unacceptable for us. We have various options available, and Kabul should engage in dialogue with us to resolve these issues.”

He said, “There is no sectarian conflict in Pakistan, although it is being presented in a distorted manner. Due to sectarianism in the past, we have paid a heavy price, and the world needs to see that we have been cooperating with them for the past 35 years.”

Earlier, in a statement on social media, Khawaja Asif had said, “Afghanistan is not safeguarding the Doha Agreement and is not fulfilling its obligations as a neighbor and brotherly country. Terrorists who shed the blood of Pakistanis have found refuge on Afghan soil.”

Khawaja Asif further stated, “This situation cannot continue. Pakistan will employ all means to protect its territory and citizens. Pakistan has provided all rights to 5 to 6 million Afghans with full protection for the past 40 to 50 years.”

The Defense Minister said that those who briefed the lawmakers in the assembly about bringing TTP from Afghanistan to Pakistan and the benefits of settling them here and then brought thousands of people, should also inform the heirs of the daily martyrs.

Khawaja Asif stated that these were the same people who launched the Imran Khan project in 2018, and that project showed the nation the unfortunate day of May 9 and then guaranteed for four years that the beloved homeland would be destroyed in every way. May Allah protect this blessed land with the blood of martyrs.

The comments of the Federal Minister were made after the recent attacks in Zhob and Sui districts of Balochistan, in which at least 12 security personnel were martyred.

One day prior, Chief of Army Staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa had issued a strong warning to the transitional Afghan government affiliated with the Afghan Taliban, stating that effective response would be given from Pakistan to the recent terrorist attacks, and there is great concern about the safe havens of the designated TTP in Afghanistan and their free activities.

In a statement issued by Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), it was stated, “Pakistan’s armed forces have serious concerns about the availability of safe havens for TTP in Afghanistan and freedom of action.”

Regarding the Army Chief’s statement, it was stated, “It is expected that the transitional Afghan government, in real terms and in accordance with the commitments made in the Doha Agreement, will not allow its territory to be used for terrorism against any country.”

General Qamar Javed Bajwa had said that recent counter-terrorism operations in Pakistan involved the involvement of Afghan citizens. The Army Chief said, “The participation of Afghan citizens in counter-terrorism operations in Pakistan is another significant concern that needs attention. Such attacks are intolerable, and effective response will be given by Pakistan’s security forces.”

He added that counter-terrorism operations would continue without any delay, and the armed forces would not rest until the cancer of terrorism is completely eradicated from the country. Due to the lack of cooperation from Afghan Taliban to counter TTP, Pakistan expressed disappointment.

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