"Abu Mahdi" cruise Missile / IRNA

Iranian naval forces take delivery of homegrown ‘Abu Mahdi’ cruise missile

The Defense Minister of Iran said, on Tuesday, that the country’s naval forces received cruise missiles with a range of 1,000 km.

As per report by Irani media, top military officials were present at a ceremony where the “Abu Mahdi” cruise missiles were handed over to the naval forces of the Army and the IRGC.

According to Iranian media, boasting an impressive range of over 1,000 kilometers, this domestically developed naval cruise missile will significantly expand Iran’s naval defense coverage zone, providing naval units with an extended operational range.

The Abu Mahdi missile distinguishes itself with its remarkable accuracy, devastating power, capacity to navigate marine terrain adeptly, and capability to penetrate opponent’s air defense systems.

Notably, it is the first long-range naval cruise missile with artificial intelligence (AI) incorporated into its trajectory definition and command-and-control systems, enabling it to execute radar-evading maneuvers at low altitudes and modify its flight path dynamically.

Equipped with a formidable integrated navigation system and a potent motor, this new missile can be launched from any location deep within Iranian territory, effectively targeting mobile naval assets.

The Abu Mahdi launch system stands out for its rapid preparation and deployment of numerous missiles along diverse trajectories, utilizing both fixed and mobile launchers.

Dubbed the “enemy aircraft carrier jets neutralizer” the extended-range naval cruise missile, as emphasized by the IRGC Navy Commander, would force enemy aircraft carriers to remain at least 2,000 kilometers away from Iran’s coastlines, essentially rendering them ineffective in close proximity to the country.

Rear Admiral Ali Reza Tangsiri further stressed that deterring enemy vessels from approaching Iranian shores is a primary objective of the new missile system.

“With the Abu Mahdi missile, we have the capability to launch from deep within our territory. Its dual seeker system successfully counters enemy electronic warfare,” Tangsiri explained.

He asserted that if an Iranian military vessel, positioned 1,000 kilometers off the coast, fires the Abu Mahdi missile, the enemy’s aircraft carrier would be compelled to retreat a similar distance to evade the long-range cruise missile, thereby nullifying the efficacy of their fighter jets.

This versatile missile can be launched from either naval vessels or coastal launch pads, allowing it to seek and engage multiple targets from various angles.

Rear Admiral Tangsiri highlighted the missile’s difficulty in being tracked due to its extremely low service ceiling and extended range.

The missile’s name, “Abu Mahdi,” pays tribute to the Iraqi commander, Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis, who was assassinated by the “criminal U.S.” in January 2020, and there are hopes that it will serve as an effective instrument of retaliation against adversaries at sea.


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