Taliban bans Swedish activities in Afghanistan as protest

The Taliban administration recently issued a statement concerning the activities of Sweden in Afghanistan, following an incident involving the burning of the Quran outside a mosque in the Swedish capital last month. Zabiullah Mujahid, a spokesperson for the Taliban administration, expressed their strong condemnation of the disrespectful act towards the holy Quran and the apparent permission granted for insulting Muslim beliefs. As a consequence, the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan has ordered the immediate cessation of all activities involving Sweden in Afghanistan, as protest.

“After the insulting of the holy Quran and granting of permission for insulting of Muslim beliefs. The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan is ordering the stopping of all activities of Sweden in Afghanistan,” said Zabiullah Mujahid.

The incident involving the burning of the Quran has sparked outrage among Muslim communities globally, as desecration of religious texts is widely regarded as deeply offensive and disrespectful. Such actions can incite tensions and result in severe consequences, as witnessed in the Taliban administration’s response.

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