Worried female / victim

A (Not So) Silent Scourge

In the confines of our homes, a type of violence lurks, often overlooked and dismissed by society as a mere expression of authority – psychological violence. This insidious form of abuse is so deeply woven into the fabric of our society that it often goes unnoticed, accepted as a right of elders to scold their daughters and daughters-in-law.

The seemingly harmless act of taunting and demoralizing women for not completing a task becomes a daily norm, creating a breeding ground for psychological violence. The insidious nature of this abuse is that it is so entrenched and normalized that it is not even recognized as violence by those perpetrating it.

From an early age, young girls are exposed to this toxic environment, where taunts and demoralization are considered routine. According to the social learning theory, children model their behaviour based on what they observe in their immediate surroundings, especially within the family. The consequences of witnessing such behaviour can be profound, shaping their perceptions of what is acceptable in relationships.

As these young girls grow into women and enter marriages, they carry with them the baggage of normalized psychological violence. The taunts and demoralization continue, and they, in turn, may perpetuate these patterns in their own relationships. The cycle continues, silently corroding the foundations of family life.

Listening to these taunts and enduring demoralization often leads to two distressing outcomes. Firstly, the woman, now a daughter-in-law, may find herself so frustrated that she inadvertently channels her anguish by resorting to beating her children. The cycle of abuse perpetuates, and the children’s lives are marred by the echoes of psychological violence.

Secondly, the woman may close her heart to kindness, transforming the pain she experienced into a weapon against her daughter-in-law-to-be. The unintentional replication of the same abusive behaviour becomes a tragic consequence of a cycle left unchecked.

In the pursuit of a happy home, it is imperative to break free from the chains of normalized psychological violence. Society must recognize and acknowledge this silent scourge that erodes the well-being of individuals and families. Education and awareness campaigns are crucial to challenge ingrained beliefs that perpetuate psychological violence as an accepted norm.

Empowering women to recognize their worth and teaching them to set boundaries against psychological abuse is vital in breaking this cycle. Support systems, both formal and informal, play a pivotal role in creating an environment where victims can find refuge and assistance in escaping the clutches of psychological violence.

It is time to redefine what is considered acceptable within our homes. Psychological violence should not be dismissed as a trivial matter, its impact is profound and far-reaching. By fostering an environment of respect, kindness, and empathy, we can strive towards homes where psychological violence has no place, and the foundation for a truly happy and healthy family can be laid.

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