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Book Review: A slip of pen

In this vast and incredible universe, there are people who have lived a long time and experienced many things but still struggle to understand the secrets of life and nature. On the other hand, there are also young individuals who, despite their age, can convey the meaning of life in just a few sentences, introducing new ideas about reality that we never considered before.

Laiba Fatima, a talented young poet from Lahore, is one of these bright stars who can explore and express the beauty of life through her words. She has shared her beautiful thoughts in her book ‘A Slip of Pen’.

Laiba’s book consists of a collection of her poems, which she wrote after observing nature from a unique perspective. She has come up with wonderful ideas and thoughts that she skillfully portrays in her book. The book contains 40 poems, each with its own unique ideas and deep messages. Every poem evokes a different feeling in the reader. The way she talks about emotions, describes various situations, and explores relationships deserves our admiration for its originality.

Although Laiba dedicated her book to her grandfather, she also wrote some beautiful lines for the most amazing creature in the world: mothers. Her 21st poem in the book, titled ‘Life’, expresses the efforts a mother puts into raising her child. This poem could be one of the loveliest gifts a daughter could give to her mother. It truly is a masterpiece.

In her poem ‘Life’, Laiba begins by describing the journey of tears from pain to joy. The mother experiences pain, but when she sees her baby, her tears of pain turn into tears of happiness. From the moment a baby is born until they grow up, a mother always keeps a watchful eye on her child, constantly striving to make them the best person they can be. She guides her child to become a person of honor, someone she can be proud of. The mother supports her child and imparts her own wisdom and experiences. Laiba concludes her poem with these beautiful lines where the daughter expresses her gratitude and love for her mother.

“Oh Mother!
Eighteen years did pass in a flash of light But the nights I kept you awake
And the tears you shed for me
Made me who I am today”

Laiba Fatima’s book, ‘A Slip of Pen’, is a testament to her incredible talent for capturing the beauty of life through her heartfelt words. With her ability to convey complex emotions and universal truths, Laiba invites us into her poetic world, where we can explore the wonders of human existence. Her verses touch our hearts, evoking a sense of awe and appreciation for the intricate tapestry of life that surrounds us all.

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