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IB arrests the mastermind of ‘Machh Incident’

A terrorist, allegedly involved in the killing of more than 40 innocent Hazaras, including the incident of Machh, has been arrested by Pakistani civil intelligence agency Intelligence Bureau.

According to a report, published on The News, the alleged terrorist Abdul Bari, has been arrested by IB, while coming from Afghanistan to Pakistan. The report says that he was being monitored by the civil agency of Pakistan.

Abdul Bari was the mastermind of Mach incident, where 11 coal mine workers were brutally killed, according to the report. He has been the part of the attacks on Hazaras in Quetta’s Masjid Road and Prince Road, the shrine of Shah Abdullah Ghazi in Karachi and the killing of Hazaras after identification, while travelling on bus.

It has been mentioned that Bari has connections with banned organisations including Taliban, Lashkr e Janghvi and ISIS. He has been collecting charity for the banned organisations, too.

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