Laptop Distribution / Sam Hujjat

HDP distributes laptops amongst the students

Hazara Democratic Party (HDP) distributed laptops among college and university students at laptop distribution ceremony held in Hassan Musa Girls Degree College, Alamdar Road Quetta, on Sunday, 6th August.

Laptops were acquired through social welfare department, government of Balochistan. Further distribution was done by HDP among the students of Balochistan as well as students who study out of Balochistan.

Abdul Khaliq Hazara, provincial Minister of Sports and Culture, addressed the house where he thanked the D.G Social Welfare Department, Balochistan. He said that he is the first minister whose ministry has not been changed in five years. He remains still as the minister of sports and culture due to his great accomplishment of projects, not merely in his own area but areas which are not his obligation.

He also uttered that projects’ delayer was of not getting funds due to COVID-19 and last year’s floods.

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